Health & Medtech
We improve the patient experience through software innovation and are a leader in diagnostics, medical technology and intelligent medical devices.
Digital approaches are streamlining processes for more time with patients, allowing for medical records with greater accountability, and enabling precise new treatments with new technologies. As a result, the medical industry requires industry-specific, innovative, and integrated software solutions that meet the required standards.
At ERNI, we develop innovative solutions for digitalisation and simplify structures in order to improve the patient’s experience. Our highly specialised project teams prove their methodological competence and in-depth expertise while dealing with a high level of complexity and strict rules.

What we do
Software engineering in the health sector
The high regulations in the healthcare sector have an impact on the software solutions used. The development, operation and maintenance of medical software solutions are becoming increasingly demanding. If you want to remain competitive, you have to develop and implement solutions in ever shorter innovation cycles and integrate them into other systems. At the same time, requirements are increasing. More than ever, product development depends on multidisciplinary expertise and agile processes.
The healthcare environment holds many special features. Even at the design stage of a new medical device, the intended application and target markets of the product must be clear. These are prerequisites for the precise description of the requirements. Precise analysis and requirements engineering methods are of high relevance for software engineering. The RE specialists at ERNI combine strong methodological knowledge with knowledge of healthcare requirements.
For the approval of a software solution in the medical field, a complete documentation of the development history is necessary. The traceability of tests at all stages, as well as their relation to the requirements, are critical. The handling of product risks also plays a central role. The integrity of patients, users and the environment is always paramount. Our test experts are aware of the risks and know that only high test coverage can prove that the final product will function correctly without causing harm.
Connected devices in the diagnostic environment
Process automatisation is becoming a key factor to streamline the efficiency of laboratories and hospitals, which, at the same time, is enabling fastest and more reliable results to boost patients caring.
In this context, interoperability plays a key role to ensure and optimise the communications between laboratory instruments, Point of Care devices, Middlewares, LIS and Electronic Health Records. It is becoming even more critical as new and more diverse devices are being introduced to the environment (e.g. Medical Robots). Enabling them to interact with the rest of the system components is key for its success.
ERNI specialists in medical device interoperability are able to design robust and optimised communication systems, using protocols such as HL7 FHIR, ASTM, POCT1a, and designing IoT solutions to empower patient centric approaches.
Lab automation
Lab automation is of critical importance to laboratory technology companies in today’s world. Various components play an important role in the world of laboratory automation, including laboratory information and management systems (LIMS), connectivity technologies, and instrument software. The seamless integration and collaboration of these elements are critical to increasing business process efficiency and improving the quality of work.
In a modern laboratory, time is scarce. That’s why solutions are needed that minimise throughput times and optimise laboratory workflows. These solutions are designed to make the best possible use of resources in the laboratory without compromising the precision and accuracy of the analysis. Flexibility in laboratory automation is of great importance, as requirements can change continuously. Companies need solutions that allow them to flexibly adapt their laboratory configurations to meet changing needs.
Our expertise and solutions in lab automation help you meet these challenges and increase their efficiency. We provide the tools and support you need to optimise your laboratory processes and adapt to the demands of the future.
Data-driven innovations in the health sector
Modern technical and procedural advancements enable the secure management of critical data. They enable you to implement innovative, new solutions and in doing so deliver closer and better support to patients, health professionals, hospitals and other stakeholders in the healthcare sector.
In this context, the innovation ranges from preventative care and improved prognoses to optimised treatments. Profound understanding of medical devices, digital and AI-based diagnostics and cloud architectures are indispensable in this context. This also extends to knowledge of specific needs along the prevention and treatment path.
With an interdisciplinary agile team and the support of ERNI experts, you can apply proven engineering methods and harness digital technologies to navigate this complex environment of product definition. A welcome side effect is that you will also make the right investments at precisely the right time.
Ins and outs of software as a medical device
Key technology and regulatory aspects to consider in MDSW life cycle management
Are you ready
for the digital tomorrow?
better ask ERNI
We empower people and businesses through innovation in software-based products and services.