Somos ERNI. Desde 1994, nos enfocamos en asesorar a empresas en Innovación y Tecnología, con el propósito de potenciar su rendimiento a través del desarrollo de software y la digitalización de sus procesos de negocio críticos, sentando así las bases para un futuro digital.
La clave del éxito es la mentalidad de nuestros ERNIans forjada por los valores y virtudes que nos caracterizan. Trabajamos codo a codo con nuestros clientes para ayudarles a ser más eficaces e innovadores que sus competidores y establecemos alianzas basadas en valores reales para lograr objetivos ambiciosos.
Conocemos el sector, dominamos tecnologías innovadoras, evaluamos nuevas tendencias de forma realista y construimos soluciones económicamente viables. Así es como allanamos el camino de la digitalización para que las empresas trabajen con mayor eficiencia y puedan acelerar sus procesos de cambio. Para ello, combinamos los métodos comprobados con los innovadores, implementamos recursos específicos y compartimos nuestra experiencia en procesos y tecnologías con nuestros clientes. De este modo nos aseguramos de que los métodos y la cultura que fomentamos mantengan su innovación y agilidad.
La complejidad surge de las interacciones, conexiones y fenómenos emergentes: cambios en los requisitos, dependencias del sistema o eventos impredecibles. Gracias a los años de experiencia con los que contamos dentro de las industrias más exigentes, podemos detectar dónde se produce esta complejidad, cómo funciona y cómo controlarla. Todo ello lo llevamos a cabo mediante proyectos ágiles y utilizando los métodos y tecnologías más innovadores con el fin de crear la mejor solución digital.
En ERNI, primero escuchamos a nuestros clientes para comprender sus ideas, objetivos y problemáticas. A continuación, desarrollamos soluciones coherentes con los objetivos de negocio del cliente en nuestra plataforma de ingeniería de software. De este modo fomentamos la transferencia de conocimiento y ambas partes nos beneficiamos de una solución digital que hace un mundo mejor.
La metodología, los procesos y la tecnología avanzan más rápido que nunca. El ritmo es frenético, y en ERNI nos dedicamos a observar el mercado, valorar las tendencias y analizar sus efectos. Así, en los proyectos de nuestros clientes, podemos combinar métodos, procesos o tecnologías comprobados e innovadores con el fin de dominar las dinámicas de mercado y crear una solución digital de éxito.
1. Control complexity
Complexity arises from interactions, linkages and emergent phenomena: different requirements, system dependencies or unpredictable events. Through our many years of experience in the most demanding industries, with agile projects and the most innovative technologies and methods, we know and understand how complexity arises, how it works and how we control it. So that the best digital solution becomes reality.
2. Shape the future
We listen to our customers until we understand what they have in mind and what they want to achieve. Then we develop tailored solutions that make business sense on our global software engineering platform. Because shared knowledge is at least twice the knowledge, we promote knowledge transfer. So that the digital solution improves the world.
3. Master dynamics
Methods, processes and technologies are developing and changing ever faster. The pace is sometimes dizzying. We observe the market, evaluate trends and analyze their effects. For our customer projects, we combine proven and innovative methods, processes or technologies and thus master the dynamics. So that the digital solutions become a success.
año en el que se fundó ERNI en Suiza y a día de hoy es todavía un negocio familiar.
número de oficinas de ERNI, ubicadas en ocho países de tres continentes distintos.
número de empleados que trabajan para ERNI en todo el mundo.
26 %
porcentaje de la plantilla compuesto por mujeres.
95 %
porcentaje de empleados con un perfil universitario.
número de certificaciones ISO con las que cumple ERNI. En concreto, se trata de la ISO 9001, ISO 27001 y la ISO 13485 de seguridad y estándares de calidad para dispositivos médicos.
Empoderamos a las personas y a las empresas mediante la innovación en productos y servicios basados en software.
ERNI brings Swiss software engineering to the world and increases added value for its clients. At 100 local business locations with 100 engineers each, ERNI is building a consulting company for software engineering based on Swiss values.
Our vision guides us each day to increase the value we deliver to our clients. Our global-local principle is behind our business vision of having 100 locations with 100 employees in the future. We act and think globally, but serve our clients locally. Our clients have access to consultants who speak their language and understand their culture.
We empower people and businesses through innovation in software-based products and services.
Our mission statement captures how we create added value for our clients. We do this by enabling companies to develop innovative software-based products and services. We often find ourselves at the intersection between software and physical products, as our solutions connect the digital to the physical world.
Values such as passion, autonomy, responsibility and trust define our culture.
Passion – It drives us to do our best. At work, during trainings, on the sports field. All ERNIans are intrinsically motivated and passionate about their work.
Autonomy – When you make your own decisions, you make better decisions. That is why we delegate a great deal of responsibility and decision-making authority to our employees and managers.
Responsibility – We take the pressure off our clients, take responsibility and have an answer for every question. Our clients can outsource as much or as little responsibility as they want.
Trust – We earn trust through hard work, openness and transparency. Our clients put their trust in us, and that’s how we learn how to work with them to find solutions.
ERNI brings Swiss software engineering to the world and increases added value for its clients. At 100 local business locations with 100 engineers each, ERNI is building a consulting company for software engineering based on Swiss values.
Our vision guides us each day to increase the value we deliver to our clients. Our global-local principle is behind our business vision of having 100 locations with 100 employees in the future. We act and think globally, but serve our clients locally. Our clients have access to consultants who speak their language and understand their culture.
We empower people and businesses through innovation in software-based products and services.
Our mission statement captures how we create added value for our clients. We do this by enabling companies to develop innovative software-based products and services. We often find ourselves at the intersection between software and physical products, as our solutions connect the digital to the physical world.
Values such as passion, autonomy, responsibility and trust define our culture.
Passion – It drives us to do our best. At work, during trainings, on the sports field. All ERNIans are intrinsically motivated and passionate about their work.
Autonomy – When you make your own decisions, you make better decisions. That is why we delegate a great deal of responsibility and decision-making authority to our employees and managers.
Responsibility – We take the pressure off our clients, take responsibility and have an answer for every question. Our clients can outsource as much or as little responsibility as they want.
Trust – We earn trust through hard work, openness and transparency. Our clients put their trust in us, and that’s how we learn how to work with them to find solutions.