Human-machine interaction: Spatial Computing and its impact on UI/UX design

By David Carmona (ERNI Spain) and Axel Taylor (ERNI Spain)

The history of how humans interact with machines goes way back, all the way to ancient times when people designed handles for tools to make them easier to use – kind of like a basic form of improving user experience (UX).

The next revolution in the usability of spatial computing

In today’s digital world, we’ve moved from basic command-based interfaces to fancy graphical ones, changing how we think about usability. Now, we are on the brink of another big change, like when we shifted from typing commands to clicking icons. Augmented and mixed reality are leading the charge, merging together to create something totally new. This fresh approach, called Spatial Computing, blends augmented and mixed reality to let us interact more naturally with our surroundings.

Spatial computing is a new way of interaction with our environment

Spatial Computing isn’t just about breaking boundaries; it is about creating a whole new way of engaging with the world around us. It promises a deeper, more natural connection, making communication and the sharing of info smoother. Plus, it lets us dive into virtual objects in real time, blurring the lines between what’s real and what’s digital.

This tech upgrade enhances our smart devices with cool features like high-definition virtual screens and keyboards, getting rid of the old mouse and replacing it with intuitive gestures. Not only does this make our workspaces more flexible, but it also saves money by cutting out the need for extra gadgets.

Furthermore, these new virtual environments bring fresh challenges for user experience and interaction. They go beyond just tapping or swiping on a screen. Now, we can use eye tracking, hand gestures, blinks, body movements, and voice commands to interact with our surroundings in amazing ways. This means we need to rethink how we design interfaces to match these new behaviour patterns.

Spatial computing influences different sectors

In industries like manufacturing and healthcare, Spatial Computing is making a big impact. In factories, workers can control robotic arms with simple gestures, making things more precise and efficient. In hospitals, surgeons can use Spatial Computing to see real-time data and 3D images during surgery, improving patient care.

Experts predict that Spatial Computing will keep growing, with the market expected to skyrocket by over 500% by 2032. The health sector is leading the way, followed closely by automotive and transportation.

For UI/UX designers, this means tackling dynamic challenges. They are not just tweaking designs; they are creating interfaces that work in environments with intense lighting and vibrant colours. They are also making sure these interfaces are accessible to everyone, including

At ERNI, we are not just keeping up with these changes; we are driving them forward with our partners. We are engineering interfaces that adapt seamlessly and respond intuitively, so users can focus on getting things done without struggling with complicated apps. We are always looking ahead, ready to embrace the exciting changes coming in this ever-evolving tech world

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