Triff unsere ERNIans

Die Entwicklung unserer ERNIans

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“In my previous experiences, I’ve never been in a company that promotes developing my technical and leadership skills as much as ERNI does.”

“ERNI is a place where you are supposed to take risks, to never stop learning, and all this made me grow with confidence as I felt trusted during all this way”

“What I value the most about ERNI is the sense of belonging: I always find support from the company and its people.”

“I am involved in the development of an advanced, flexible, and robust testware powered by top automation frameworks.”

“I value the opportunity to work on challenging and exciting projects that allow me to use my skills and expertise to make a real impact.”

“At ERNI I found projects with edge technologies, as well as the opportunity to work in highly regulated environments like MedTech, Robotics, and Automotive.”


«Ich bin als Agile Coach in diversen Mandaten und Branchen unterwegs. Gemeinsam mit dem Kunden verantworte ich die Transformation hin zu einer agilen Organisation und übernehme beispielsweise die Rolle des Release Train Engineers (RTE nach SAFe). Dabei ist jedes Mandat anders und die Herausforderung individuell. Neben dieser Haupttätigkeit leite ich bei ERNI intern die Practice Area Enterprise Agility, in der Fachexperten zusammenkommen, um mit- und voneinander zu lernen. Das lässt sich gut mit meiner dritten Rolle, der Service Leader Rolle für den Bereich Enterprise Agility und DevOps, kombinieren. Wir kreieren Lösungen für unsere Kunden und passen unsere Services und Angebote der Marktnachfrage an. Und was ich zusätzlich gerne erwähnen möchte: Mein Herz schlägt für unseren Office-Standort in Bern.»

«Mich trifft man eher in unserem ERNI-Office am Standort Zürich an. Dort arbeite ich in der Practice Area Architecture Advisory als Enterprise-, Solution- und System/Software-Architektin. Auch verbringe ich aktuell viel Zeit bei einem Kunden, den ich als leitende Systemarchitektin in einem siebenköpfigen Architektenteam unterstütze und die Anwendungslandschaft von zwei Domänen mit mehr als 80 Anwendungen verantworte. Da der Kunde ein agiles Framework nutzt, bin ich Teil des Agile Release Train (ART) Managements.»

«Durch meine Mitarbeit in zahlreichen Projekten konnte ich wertvolle Erfahrungen sammeln und mein Wissen erweitern, was zu meiner persönlichen Weiterentwicklung beigetragen hat. Auch habe ich schnell viele ERNIans kennengelernt, mit denen ich meine Erfahrungen austauschen konnte. Die wichtigste Erkenntnis für mich ist, dass man flexibel und aufgeschlossen sein sollte, um möglichst viel lernen zu können. Denn ERNI bietet einem eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten. Wer Offenheit und Flexibilität mitbringt, hat grössere Chancen, um sich im Unternehmen zu vernetzen und weitere Erfahrungen zu sammeln.»

«ERNI motiviert mich, an meinen eigenen Fähigkeiten zu arbeiten und meine Komfortzone zu verlassen. Dabei wird stets Rücksicht auf meine individuellen Interessen genommen. Ich kann mich in Themenfeldern weiterbilden und an Projekten arbeiten, die mir wirklich Spass machen. Ebenfalls schätze ich es sehr, dass ich auf ein globales Netzwerk zurückgreifen kann, das mir stets zur Seite steht – auch über die reine Arbeit hinaus. Der Fokus auf Professionalität und einer starken Gemeinschaft hat mich schon immer gereizt. Meine persönlichen Werte passen mit den Werten der ERNI zusammen und ich denke, dass dies der Schlüsselfaktor unseres gemeinsamen Erfolgs ist.»

«Die wichtigste Erkenntnis bislang ist, dass es auch als Consultant völlig in Ordnung ist, nicht alles zu wissen oder zu können. Ich habe gelernt, dass die meisten Menschen gerne helfen und dass ich offen äussern kann, wenn ich mich erst in ein Thema einarbeiten muss. Ebenso habe ich erkannt, dass die Menschen um mich herum genauso wichtig sind wie der Inhalt der Arbeit selbst. Zusammengefasst hat mir meine bisherige Zeit bei ERNI gezeigt, dass Selbstvertrauen und die Bereitschaft, von anderen zu lernen entscheidend sind für den beruflichen Erfolg, und dass zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen auch in der Arbeitswelt eine zentrale Rolle spielen.»

ERNI Alumnis,
unser guter Ruf

ERNIans sind mehr als Mitarbeitende bei ERNI. Wir sehen den Mensch dahinter. Dementsprechend haben wir Verständnis, wenn sie aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen unser Unternehmen irgendwann verlassen sollten. So pflegen wir mit (fast) allen ehemaligen Kolleginnen und Kollegen eine gute Beziehung – und so manche finden später den Weg zurück zu uns. Wir sind stolz auf unserer Alumni und freuen uns ihre Geschichten hier teilen zu dürfen.

"My time at ERNI has been an unforgettable and enriching experience."

Miquel Molina Montilla
Engineering Manager @ Sage

From day one, I felt an environment of support, innovation, and constant growth. The ERNI community and team in Spain are passionate and always willing to collaborate and share knowledge. It is a place where you can really grow both professionally and personally.

If someone is looking for an environment where excellence and partnership go hand in hand, I would recommend ERNI without hesitation. A step at ERNI is a step forward in your career!

"My journey at ERNI was transformative ."

Ricard Artigas Rost
Engineering Manager & Agile Coach @ Ohpen

I quickly adapted to the company, thanks to my supportive colleagues. After transitioning to management with my BUL’s guidance, I spent four incredible years in diverse roles across projects and clients. ERNI’s commitment to its people’s growth is reflected in the company’s investments in learning and development. Not to mention the enjoyable events and team-building activities.

ERNI has been a path of growth, success, challenges, and numerous opportunities that helped to propel my career. I wholeheartedly recommend ERNI to anyone seeking a fulfilling career.

"The time at ERNI was really exciting."

Miroslav Chabreček
SW Tech Leader @ Kistler Group

The time at ERNI was really exciting and I took a big step forwards in several areas. First on the list is the agile development process, which I encountered for the first time there. It really opened my eyes. Next was the leadership approach taught by the Swiss Engineering Institute. It wasn’t just theory, but embedded in the culture of ERNI – which was fascinating for me. ERNI was experiencing a growth spurt at the time, so there were plenty of opportunities for us all. I met lots of interesting, clever and motivated people there who enjoyed the atmosphere at the time.

The experiences and opportunities I received at ERNI opened the door to more challenging positions. I acquired many technical and non-technical soft skills at ERNI from which I still benefit today.

"The time at ERNI was really valuable for me."

Markus Rentsch
Vice President @ Technology at Xovis AG

The time at ERNI was really valuable for me. The opportunity to take charge of staff, acquire/develop clients and implement interesting projects in an international context as a business unit leader was an excellent experience. ERNI kept evolving at the same time, with plans to move into new areas within the company. The constructive style of communication among colleagues contributed to the success and pleasant atmosphere.

The experience I gained at ERNI still helps me a lot in my current role. It is certainly one of the reasons why I am now able to accept the task. Communication and a grasp of the overall context of challenges are crucial.

"ERNI gave me the chance to keep moving forward on my career trajectory."

Miroslav Majstrík
Team Leader @ Metrohm

I joined ERNI in 2008 as a part-time junior developer in the final year of my university studies. From then on, I was given the opportunity to work in various roles on numerous customer projects and even to contribute to some internal ones. ERNI gave me the chance to keep moving forward on my career trajectory. In the 8 years I spent with the company, I worked on projects as a junior, professional and senior SW engineer, later as a Scrum master and PO proxy. I was appointed service unit leader in the last few years, which involved supporting my team members and communicating with various clients. I was involved in a variety of client sectors such as high-pressure casting, health diagnostics, reinsurance, safety and textile quality – not to mention SEI training, internal training and external training – so I gained a wide range of experience in the technical area, leadership, communication and recruitment.

Absolutely, yes. I am the leader of a development team and now have the opportunity to work on building a brand new development location with, at present, around 30 employees. It also operates according to agile principles. The experience of hiring people for different positions, the support in hiring the first employees in ERO and the friendship with some of them, the experience in supporting my team on the one hand and receiving support from the managing director of ESK on the other all gave me an excellent foundation to become involved in building new teams. This applies especially to working on long-term stability, sustainable, high-quality results and, most importantly, a positive atmosphere at the company.

"ERNI was an excellent and exciting learning environment"

Sascha Nussbaumer
Head, CSA Engineering AG

ERNI was an excellent and exciting learning environment for me, a place where I could contribute my technical knowledge and social skills. Being able to build my knowledge in customer projects is important to me.

The projects we did for customers were varied and fascinating. I was also able to work in a team at ERNI and contribute to the company’s development. I enjoyed the environment at ERNI and the very open and supportive atmosphere.

I think my time at ERNI helped me to develop in the area of social skills and people management especially. This knowledge is now very useful for me in my management position. Developing people is what matters most to me and my source of motivation. The open learning culture and management development programmes at ERNI really helped me to professionalise this skill.

At ERNI, I was a service leader in requirements engineering and user experience, although I also worked on numerous public administration projects. Now I am a partner of CSA Engineering AG in Solothurn. I am an area manager applications and work on developing our area in the field of IoT solutions.

"ERNI gave me the chance to learn and grow."

Wilber Cheng
UI/UX and digital graphic design

ERNI gave me the change to learn and grow in my chosen field. When I was recruited, I pioneered the provision of marketing and graphic design services for EPH and ESK. But I was able to create new opportunities as well in my almost five years at ERNI, for example:

  • Integration of UI/UX design as part of my role as REQ ambassador in EPH.
  • Introduction of new design tools and process techniques with the team and across all ERNI locations.
  • Work as Scrum master and PO proxy in several projects.
  • Meetings with fantastic people at local and international level.

Without a doubt – my knowledge in the areas of requirements and agile methodologies definitely provide a clear advantage in my current position. My experience at ERNI also helped me to correctly focus my design process in the areas of UX and UI and to integrate them more efficiently into current projects.

I was a senior graphic designer at ERNI. Now I manage several projects and clients as a full-time senior UI/UX and lead design consultant/contractor.

"I had a wonderful time at ERNI."

Nikoleta Žišková
Content Manager & Copywriter @ Kickresume

I had a wonderful time at ERNI. I couldn’t have wanted for a better part-time job during my studies. I worked as CRM support in the marketing team in Slovakia. I learned a lot of useful things in marketing, especially about customer relationship management (CRM) and content marketing. ERNI also brought lots of great people into my life. A boyfriend, too.

Yes, definitely. ERNI helped me to discover what I really wanted to do after completing my degree in journalism – namely to combine journalism with marketing. So now I’m here and involved in content marketing and copywriting. The experience really helped me to hone my skills as a copywriter and interviewer. ERNI is a very international company, so I really improved my English skills as well.

"I had a fantastic time at ERNI."

Natália Lengyelová
Head of Marketing EMEA @Tangoe

I had a fantastic time at ERNI. Thanks to my team, the projects I managed and the international environment I was exposed to every day at work. I was also fortunate to work with smart people who have not only enriched me professionally, but have also become friends for life.

Working at ERNI definitely accelerated my learning curve and I managed to develop a whole range of hard and soft skills very quickly. My experience at ERNI helped me especially to build my knowledge of marketing automation and B2B digital marketing, which became one of my strong points when I decided to apply for my next job.

At ERNI, I worked as an online marketing & project manager based in Slovakia, where I managed digital marketing campaigns as well as various internal marketing projects (website relaunch projects, info app, gTLD and intranet relaunch etc.). I am currently employed as a field marketing manager for a global IT company in Germany. I am in charge of the entire marketing for the EMEA region with the aim of generating demand and growing our business in the region.

ERNI ist Top Company 2023

ERNIans bewerten uns so positiv auf Kununu, so dass wir 2023 als Top Company ausgezeichnet wurden. Besonders in Bereichen, wie unsere Unternehmenskultur, die Work-Life Balance und unsere Zusammenarbeit werden wir besser als der Branchendurchschnitt bewertet.